The Organizing Committee invites you to participate in the XXX. International Conference on Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry (ICCBIC). The conference will be organized by the Slovak Chemical Society together with cooperation institution Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The ongoing edition of ICCBIC will be named Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry after the First Quarter of the Century and will be held in Smolenice Castle – the Congress Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences – during

7–12 June 2026

The conferences on coordination chemistry have been held regularly in Slovakia (former Czechoslovakia, Central Europe) since 1964. Many top coordination chemists from all over the world have attended the ICCBIC during the sixty years of its history and Smolenice Castle became the place where many new scientific and personal contacts have been established.


12 Jun. 2024: Dear colleagues, thank you for your participation at the XXIX. ICCBIC and for the wonderful atmosphere you have created. We are looking forward to meeting you again at the XXX. ICCBIC on 7-12 June 2026.

Important Dates

Registration opening: 1 September 2025
Conference date: 7–12 June 2026


Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology
Department of Inorganic Chemistry
Radlinského 9
812 37, Bratislava
ChemBioChem & EurJIC & CE_sponsorship
ITES Vranov Fisher
BIOTECH s.r.o.